Music Innovators

do something in a new way

Music is not math. It's science. You keep mixing the stuff up until it blows up on you, or it becomes this incredible potion. I just know that I'm a fan of all different kinds of genres. You're supposed to be free doing music, and that's just how I feel. I don't ever want to come out with something safe and get away with it, 'It sounds good'. It's got to be more than sounding good
Bruno Mars
Bebop was about change, about evolution. It wasn’t about standing still and becoming safe. If anybody wants to keep creating they have to be about change. When you’re creating your own shit, man, even the sky ain’t the limit
mIles Davis
When real music comes to me - the music of the spheres, the music that surpasses understanding - that has nothing to do with me, cause I'm just the channel. The only joy for me is for it to be given to me, and to transcribe it like a medium... those moments are what I live for
John Lennon
We have to show support for artists who are trying to own things for themselves. To create something from nothing is one of the greatest feelings and I would, I don't know, I wish it upon everybody. It's heaven

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